Saturday, November 18, 2017

Roof Talk-101 5 Attic Ventilation Myths

Roof Talk-101   5 Attic Ventilation Myths
Few things are more misunderstood about the home than attic ventilation. In essence, all ventilation is about circulating air to keep it fresh and to reduce moisture levels. About 90 percent of homes in the US have unreasonably high levels of moisture. Understanding whether your home could benefit from some form of attic ventilation might just be, if not a life-saver, a roof-saver. Here are some of the myths and the facts you need to know about attic ventilation.

1. More Attic Ventilation is Good

Just like properly sizing your furnace and air conditioning unit, you want precisely the right amount of attic ventilation for your home. Insufficient ventilation can lead to moisture problems during the winter and decreased energy efficiency during the summer but too much ventilation can be just as bad, if not worse. Roof vents create an additional roof penetration, essentially another place of vulnerability where leaks can occur. Some vents are necessary, but you don’t want to needlessly increase the number of roof penetrations. More than leaks, these seams can cause blowouts during a hurricane or allow sparks from a wildfire to enter your home and set it ablaze.
So, how much ventilation should you have? Without exception, you should talk to a professional to determine what your home requires. Generally speaking, you need a ratio of 1:300, where for every 300 square feet of ceiling space, you need 1 square foot of attic ventilation. That said, air resistance and interference (such as vent grates) reduces the area of true ventilation. In other words, the entire vent opening doesn’t count as vented space.

2. Roof Vents are for Warmer Climates

Too many people believe the importance of roof ventilation is to increase energy efficiency during the summer. Good roof ventilation can do this, but shingle color, sun exposure and insulation are exponentially more important to overall energy efficiency than ventilation. Sure, installing roof vents for older homes can reduce your hot air during the summer, but there are probably more low-risk, cost-effective ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency.
Meanwhile, preventing moisture damage is a much greater benefit and applies to colder climates more than warmer ones. In fact, the colder the climate, the more likely it is that your home will benefit from attic ventilation. In order to install an unvented roofing system in colder climates, you’ll need highly rated, rigid insulation to prevent condensation on your roof sheathing. In warmer climates, you don’t need to worry about condensation. Think about how often dew forms on your grass. In these climates, hot attic spaces are eliminated by installing a thermal barrier along the roof line, instead of the attic floor
3. Roof Vents Remove Warm Air during the Winter
Too many people believe that because heat rises, ventilating an attic space during the winter means you’re releasing warm air and creating a drag on your heating efficiency. If this is true, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about than letting warm air escape from your home. Poor insulation is usually the culprit, although if you enter the attic on sunny, winter day, your attic space can be warmed by the sun more than your furnace.
Unless your roofing system has insulation on the roofing deck and is designed without ventilation, your furnace should not be heating your attic. Worse yet, inadequate insulation is almost surely allowing moisture-laden air into your attic. When this warm, moist air hits your roof, it’s likely to form condensation that will lead to further deterioration of your insulation and/or wood rot. If you think this might be a concern, wait till the sun goes down and measure the temperature in your attic. It should be pretty close to the outdoor temperature.

4. Research Studies

Numerous studies have been completed regarding the effectiveness and optimization of general roof ventilation and particular types of roof vents. The benefit of roof ventilation is undisputed. Laboratory setting are a poor indicator of real world wind and weather behaviors. Moreover, regional differences magnify certain traits of roof ventilation over time. What works best in San Antonio, TX is probably not the same as what works best in Cleveland, OH.
In some ways, roof ventilation is as much as an art as it is a science, and installing your own roof vents based on something you read online is like trying to diagnose a skin rash using WebMD. Finding a trusted and experienced roofer who has worked in your region for his or her entire career is a better for your particular roof than any research study or online “expert.”

5. I Have Roof Vents, So I Have Roof Ventilation

While hardly anybody agrees on the best roof ventilation system, everybody agrees some roof vents do hardly any good at all. Take, for example, ridge vents. The majority of roofing experts agree that ridge vents are the most effective and cost-effective roof vents available. Without baffles (blinders that prevent outside air from crossing over the vent), a ridge vent may create almost no ventilation at all. Gable vents may circulate air through only a small percentage of your attic. Static, roof-line, vents are effective for ventilation but generally aren’t recommended due to issues with leaks. Soffit vents may leave air trapped at the top of your attic. Most effective ventilation uses a ridge-and-soffit continuous ventilation system, but even these designs can vary from roof to roof.
If you don’t know how your roof vents work, or if you’re unsure about your attic ventilation in general, you should talk to a roof inspector about your current system and any inherent weaknesses that may be at work. The risk/reward for having no ventilation or poor ventilation, along with the negligible cost of installing a good-working ventilation system makes them one of the unforgivable sins of home maintenance negligence.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Roof Talk-101 Why Are We Thankful For Our Roofs?

Roof Talk-101 Why Are We Thankful For Our Roofs?

"JUST be thankful we have a roof over our heads,” my mother used to say whenever I complained about some childish scarcity. This made no sense to me at the time. Having a roof was nothing to be thankful for; it was just something I didn’t really think about.   However, without a roof over our heads, we would be wide open to rain, bird droppings and falling space debris. Who wants falling space debris hitting you on the head. 

Here are the reasons why we should be thankful for our roofs.
Our Roofs Help Prevent Mold and Mildew
A home filled with mold and mildew is uncomfortable, and can cause a variety of health issues. Your roof can be one of the solutions to prevent mold. A properly ventilated roof lets the moist, warm air out preventing the condensation that mold thrives upon. Your roof also keeps outside moisture out where it belongs.
 Our Roofs Keep Out the Hot and Cold
Wherever you live, you probably have an HVAC system in your home and your roof gives your cooling or heating system the support it needs.  Additionally the roof seals off your home from the outside elements. It helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
 Our Roofs Keep Out the Rain and Snow
What’s better than sitting in a warm house in front of a roaring fire while it snows or rains outside? That’s why we need our roofs to keep us warm and dry. A well-maintained roof will guard against leaks and make sure that you stay cozy this winter.
Our Cool Roofs Are Energy Efficient
If you have a Cool Roof like we do, it very effectively reflects the sun’s energy from the roof surface.  This helps to reduce energy costs, improve your comfort inside the house, cut maintenance costs and increase the life cycle of the roof.
Our Roofs Can Raise The Value Of Your Home
A new roof helps potential buyers to view it as a new home and the sellers are able to find buyers more easily.  Almost half of the view of the home by buyers in many cases is the roof.  A new roof is a wise investment for anyone who plans to sell his or her home or increase the value of it. That is why we are thankful for our roofs. 
 On behalf of Roof Guard of Texas, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Thursday, November 2, 2017




The roof of your commercial property is your first line of defense in a Texas storm, which also makes it the most vulnerable. Maintaining your commercial roof can extend its lifespan and reduce unnecessary and costly expenses.
Here’s are top 5 tips for maintaining your commercial roof:
  1. Choose the right type of commercial roofing products. Select materials that offer high performance and durability, even if it means investing a little more up front. Remember, roofing for businesses act as insulation, which helps make your property energy efficient.
  2. Remove all debris and clutter. Debris can trap and hole water, which will promote roof deterioration at a faster rate. Routinely check pipes, skylights, pitch pans, HVAC units and other equipment for leaves, twigs, and other debris, as they are the perfect locations for gathering.
  3. Check all gutters and drains. Routinely pour water down each drain and make sure they are open functioning properly. Clear them of debris or clogs that could lead to leaks.
  4. Trim back any trees that hang over the roof and can cause additional debris. A rogue branch can do a lot of damage in a Florida storm, so it’s best to stay on top of regular tree maintenance.
  5. Schedule regular roof inspections with a professional roof contractor twice a year. A regular roof inspection will review the roof’s condition and detect any issues. It’s best to schedule right before the wet season and right after.  

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .