Monday, December 18, 2017

Roof Talk-101 Can Santa Damage Your Roof?

Roof Talk-101  Can Santa Damage Your Roof?
                                      We are officially less than one week until the big day. We
hope you all have your shopping underway, your meals planned and your stockings hung. Santa is preparing also, loading up his sleigh with enough presents for everyone. If you think about it, enough presents for the entire world weighs quite a bit right? When you include Santa’s reindeer and his reputation for having a few extra pounds, that all adds up to a quite a big payload that needs to fly around landing on everyone’s roof
Have you ever thought about the impact Santa’s hundreds of thousands of landings have had on rooftops around the world?
First of all, Santa is not known for his smooth landings. He always forgets to pull up at the last second and his reindeer are always knocking shingles loose. Loose shingles can lead to water infiltration, leaks and damaged roof decking, so it’s important to get those repaired as soon as you can.
Santa is notorious for trying to move too quickly from his sleigh to the chimney and he kicks his large boots into the flashing around skylights and vents. If these go unnoticed, you can have water backing up underneath the flashing and causing a leak to drip down onto your christmas dinner!
The chimney itself is no stranger to Santa-damage either. He has to wedge himself and the presents down the chimney and chimneys are not made for that type of pressure! This can lead to dislodged bricks and broken mortar. If you have loose bricks or broken mortar, this is something that can lead to further degradation of your chimney and roof area. This should be looked at as soon as you get the wrapping from your presents cleaned up.
All of the walking Santa and his reindeer do on the roof can knock those little granules off your shingles. You can notice them building up in your gutters. These granules aren’t just garbage though, they help protect your roof. Knock too many of them loose and your roof isn’t well protected anymore and should be looked at by a professional.
When you consider your roof is basically a landing strip for Santa and his crew once per year, you should be fairly impressed. He has to get going fast enough to take off in a very short distance. For this reason, sometimes Santa and the reindeer dip a bit on the takeoff and clip the gutters. Santa has clipped his fair share of gutters around the world! If you have a broken gutter, or it’s loaded up with ice, this will be a problem for you come spring when the rain begins. Gutters are crucial to keep water away from your foundation and many other functions, so don’t forget to repair any Santa-damaged gutters come spring!
Keeping your roof and gutters intact is tough enough in Texas without the added concern of handling the impact of a crazy flying man and his reindeer trampling around on them once per year, but if that’s the price we have to pay in order to celebrate the best holiday of the year, we’ll take it. Merry Christmas From the Roofguard-LLC Family.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Roof Talk-101 A Reindeer On The Roof Is Lost! Would you help get it home?

Roof Talk-101  A Reindeer On The Roof Is Lost! Would you help get it home?

Just another of Santa ‘s reindeer on the roof

Everyone knows a reindeer on the roof is normal. But you will never believe what happened!
I was standing at my window when I saw something in the sky. Do you know what it was?
It was a reindeer.
That is not unusual. My reindeer often fly around the North Pole. What was unusual, was the little girl and little boy riding on its back. Do you want to know more?
I must admit that it was partly my fault. You see, we had been testing the sleigh and flying around the world. I had stopped in Scotland to take a break, and when I took off again, I had left a reindeer behind. When I got home, I put the reindeer in their stable (instead of putting the reindeer on the roof, of course!). I should have counted them, but I forgot. This is what happened to the reindeer.
A boy and girl were playing in the park. They were only seven. Their names were Orla and Cullen. They heard a reindeer on the roof nearby cry out. The reindeer was scared. They asked their parents if they could save the reindeer, and their parents said yes.
Cullen and Orla climbed up onto the rooftop and found the reindeer. It was crying. Orla patted its head and told it that everything was going to be okay. Cullen had brought a carrot and fed it to the reindeer. The reindeer stopped crying and looked happier.
Cullen and Orla asked the reindeer if they could help it to get home. The reindeer could not talk, but the children could tell that the reindeer wanted their help. It crouched down on the roof and the two children climbed onto its back. The reindeer took off and flew high up into the sky. Higher than the clouds.
Cullen and Orla told me that they were both scared at first. They gripped on tight. Cullen and Orla could see their houses down below. They waved to their parents. Cullen was excited at how fast they were going. Orla was excited at how high they were in the sky.

A Happy Ending For A Reindeer On The Roof

When they got here, I gave them a tour of the North Pole. I took them home in my sleigh. Their parents were so happy to see them. My reindeer was so happy to be home too. Cullen and Orla are true heroes. They saved my lost reindeer and probably saved Christmas too.
Santa Claus
P.S. What would you do if you found a reindeer on the roof? Would you bring the reindeer safely back to the North Pole?

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Roof Talk-101 Radiant Barriers- Myth and Facts

Roof Talk-101   Radiant Barriers- Myth and Facts

Radiant barriers are utilized to reduce summer heat gain in attics. Attics heat up when the sun’s radiant energy heats the shingles and the heat is transferred to the interior attic space02.20.2013.blog_RadiantBarriers through the roofing materials via conduction. The temperature of the attic space increases and that heat is transferred to the building below; increasing summer energy consumption and cooling costs. A radiant barrier can lower that heat transfer, keep the attic space cooler and lower cooling costs by up to 17% in warmer climates.


Radiant barriers have become somewhat shrouded in urban myth. They were not, for example, invented by NASA, but rather by the far less exciting German businessmen Schmidt and Dykerhoff in 1925. NASA has employed radiant barriers since the Apollo program for use on equipment, astronaut suits and spacecraft to protect against thermal radiation and for insulation in the fluctuating temperatures of space. It’s also a fact that the color and reflectance of a substance doesn’t add to its efficiency as a radiant barrier. While radiant barriers do contribute significantly to the reduction of cooling (and in some cases heating) costs, they are not the panacea to energy efficiency some make them out to be; they need to be utilized as part of a cohesive building envelope.


Radiation from the sun is the primary source of heat affecting your attic temperature. Radiation (infra-red) is augmented by convection and conduction. Convection is when heat is transferred through the air inside the attic and heats the insulation and conduction occurs when heat moves through the insulation to the building below. While heat is radiated and conducted in all directions it always moves from hot areas to cold areas. The hotter the attic, the more the heat moves down to the cooler building below.
The most effective radiant barrier sheathing is a structural roof sheathing panel which consists of an OSB panel with heat-reflecting foil laminated to one side. Other kinds of radiant barriers combine reflective materials (usually aluminium foil) with materials like plastic films, cardboard and kraft paper. A radiant barrier must have an emissivity of 0.1 or less to be effective.


  • When utilizing OSB radiant barrier sheathing, you can reflect up to 97% of solar radiation which translates into an attic heat reduction of up to 30°F.
  • A cooler attic space means less heat moving to the cooler space below the attic.
  • The hotter it gets the better radiant barriers work.
  • The reduced attic temperature increases the efficiency of attic ductwork which prolongs the life of your heating and cooling systems because there are fewer cycle times.
  • In warmer climates your may be able to reduce A/C requirements by up to ½ ton.
  • Radiant barrier roof sheathing helps to improve comfort in the building interior during the warm summer months and reduces energy costs. Because heat always moves from hot areas to cold areas, radiant barrier sheathing also prevents heat transfer from the warm interior during the cooler winter months.
ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Roof Talk-101 5 Attic Ventilation Myths

Roof Talk-101   5 Attic Ventilation Myths
Few things are more misunderstood about the home than attic ventilation. In essence, all ventilation is about circulating air to keep it fresh and to reduce moisture levels. About 90 percent of homes in the US have unreasonably high levels of moisture. Understanding whether your home could benefit from some form of attic ventilation might just be, if not a life-saver, a roof-saver. Here are some of the myths and the facts you need to know about attic ventilation.

1. More Attic Ventilation is Good

Just like properly sizing your furnace and air conditioning unit, you want precisely the right amount of attic ventilation for your home. Insufficient ventilation can lead to moisture problems during the winter and decreased energy efficiency during the summer but too much ventilation can be just as bad, if not worse. Roof vents create an additional roof penetration, essentially another place of vulnerability where leaks can occur. Some vents are necessary, but you don’t want to needlessly increase the number of roof penetrations. More than leaks, these seams can cause blowouts during a hurricane or allow sparks from a wildfire to enter your home and set it ablaze.
So, how much ventilation should you have? Without exception, you should talk to a professional to determine what your home requires. Generally speaking, you need a ratio of 1:300, where for every 300 square feet of ceiling space, you need 1 square foot of attic ventilation. That said, air resistance and interference (such as vent grates) reduces the area of true ventilation. In other words, the entire vent opening doesn’t count as vented space.

2. Roof Vents are for Warmer Climates

Too many people believe the importance of roof ventilation is to increase energy efficiency during the summer. Good roof ventilation can do this, but shingle color, sun exposure and insulation are exponentially more important to overall energy efficiency than ventilation. Sure, installing roof vents for older homes can reduce your hot air during the summer, but there are probably more low-risk, cost-effective ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency.
Meanwhile, preventing moisture damage is a much greater benefit and applies to colder climates more than warmer ones. In fact, the colder the climate, the more likely it is that your home will benefit from attic ventilation. In order to install an unvented roofing system in colder climates, you’ll need highly rated, rigid insulation to prevent condensation on your roof sheathing. In warmer climates, you don’t need to worry about condensation. Think about how often dew forms on your grass. In these climates, hot attic spaces are eliminated by installing a thermal barrier along the roof line, instead of the attic floor
3. Roof Vents Remove Warm Air during the Winter
Too many people believe that because heat rises, ventilating an attic space during the winter means you’re releasing warm air and creating a drag on your heating efficiency. If this is true, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about than letting warm air escape from your home. Poor insulation is usually the culprit, although if you enter the attic on sunny, winter day, your attic space can be warmed by the sun more than your furnace.
Unless your roofing system has insulation on the roofing deck and is designed without ventilation, your furnace should not be heating your attic. Worse yet, inadequate insulation is almost surely allowing moisture-laden air into your attic. When this warm, moist air hits your roof, it’s likely to form condensation that will lead to further deterioration of your insulation and/or wood rot. If you think this might be a concern, wait till the sun goes down and measure the temperature in your attic. It should be pretty close to the outdoor temperature.

4. Research Studies

Numerous studies have been completed regarding the effectiveness and optimization of general roof ventilation and particular types of roof vents. The benefit of roof ventilation is undisputed. Laboratory setting are a poor indicator of real world wind and weather behaviors. Moreover, regional differences magnify certain traits of roof ventilation over time. What works best in San Antonio, TX is probably not the same as what works best in Cleveland, OH.
In some ways, roof ventilation is as much as an art as it is a science, and installing your own roof vents based on something you read online is like trying to diagnose a skin rash using WebMD. Finding a trusted and experienced roofer who has worked in your region for his or her entire career is a better for your particular roof than any research study or online “expert.”

5. I Have Roof Vents, So I Have Roof Ventilation

While hardly anybody agrees on the best roof ventilation system, everybody agrees some roof vents do hardly any good at all. Take, for example, ridge vents. The majority of roofing experts agree that ridge vents are the most effective and cost-effective roof vents available. Without baffles (blinders that prevent outside air from crossing over the vent), a ridge vent may create almost no ventilation at all. Gable vents may circulate air through only a small percentage of your attic. Static, roof-line, vents are effective for ventilation but generally aren’t recommended due to issues with leaks. Soffit vents may leave air trapped at the top of your attic. Most effective ventilation uses a ridge-and-soffit continuous ventilation system, but even these designs can vary from roof to roof.
If you don’t know how your roof vents work, or if you’re unsure about your attic ventilation in general, you should talk to a roof inspector about your current system and any inherent weaknesses that may be at work. The risk/reward for having no ventilation or poor ventilation, along with the negligible cost of installing a good-working ventilation system makes them one of the unforgivable sins of home maintenance negligence.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Roof Talk-101 Why Are We Thankful For Our Roofs?

Roof Talk-101 Why Are We Thankful For Our Roofs?

"JUST be thankful we have a roof over our heads,” my mother used to say whenever I complained about some childish scarcity. This made no sense to me at the time. Having a roof was nothing to be thankful for; it was just something I didn’t really think about.   However, without a roof over our heads, we would be wide open to rain, bird droppings and falling space debris. Who wants falling space debris hitting you on the head. 

Here are the reasons why we should be thankful for our roofs.
Our Roofs Help Prevent Mold and Mildew
A home filled with mold and mildew is uncomfortable, and can cause a variety of health issues. Your roof can be one of the solutions to prevent mold. A properly ventilated roof lets the moist, warm air out preventing the condensation that mold thrives upon. Your roof also keeps outside moisture out where it belongs.
 Our Roofs Keep Out the Hot and Cold
Wherever you live, you probably have an HVAC system in your home and your roof gives your cooling or heating system the support it needs.  Additionally the roof seals off your home from the outside elements. It helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
 Our Roofs Keep Out the Rain and Snow
What’s better than sitting in a warm house in front of a roaring fire while it snows or rains outside? That’s why we need our roofs to keep us warm and dry. A well-maintained roof will guard against leaks and make sure that you stay cozy this winter.
Our Cool Roofs Are Energy Efficient
If you have a Cool Roof like we do, it very effectively reflects the sun’s energy from the roof surface.  This helps to reduce energy costs, improve your comfort inside the house, cut maintenance costs and increase the life cycle of the roof.
Our Roofs Can Raise The Value Of Your Home
A new roof helps potential buyers to view it as a new home and the sellers are able to find buyers more easily.  Almost half of the view of the home by buyers in many cases is the roof.  A new roof is a wise investment for anyone who plans to sell his or her home or increase the value of it. That is why we are thankful for our roofs. 
 On behalf of Roof Guard of Texas, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Thursday, November 2, 2017




The roof of your commercial property is your first line of defense in a Texas storm, which also makes it the most vulnerable. Maintaining your commercial roof can extend its lifespan and reduce unnecessary and costly expenses.
Here’s are top 5 tips for maintaining your commercial roof:
  1. Choose the right type of commercial roofing products. Select materials that offer high performance and durability, even if it means investing a little more up front. Remember, roofing for businesses act as insulation, which helps make your property energy efficient.
  2. Remove all debris and clutter. Debris can trap and hole water, which will promote roof deterioration at a faster rate. Routinely check pipes, skylights, pitch pans, HVAC units and other equipment for leaves, twigs, and other debris, as they are the perfect locations for gathering.
  3. Check all gutters and drains. Routinely pour water down each drain and make sure they are open functioning properly. Clear them of debris or clogs that could lead to leaks.
  4. Trim back any trees that hang over the roof and can cause additional debris. A rogue branch can do a lot of damage in a Florida storm, so it’s best to stay on top of regular tree maintenance.
  5. Schedule regular roof inspections with a professional roof contractor twice a year. A regular roof inspection will review the roof’s condition and detect any issues. It’s best to schedule right before the wet season and right after.  

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Roof Talk-101 The Importance of Good Roof Drainage Systems

Roof Talk-101  The Importance of Good Roof Drainage Systems

One of the most important things that helps divert water away from your home or building is a properly-installed roof drainage system. These “unsung heroes” of your roof system play a vital role in effectively removing water and debris from the roof, and minimizing groundwater accumulation around your foundation.

Improper Roof Drainage Can Cause A Variety of Costly Home Problems
However many times they are overlooked when it comes to proper maintenance and care, and can become the culprit for many types of damage if they are not properly maintained. This includes wet basements, mold growth, and even a weakening foundation.
Gutters and roof drains are designed to divert water away from your home, and allow for the proper flow of water during a heavy rain, reducing the risk of interior water damage caused by water backing up into the roof. For those who may experience snow, they also provide a conduit for melting snow in order to reduce the weight loads on a roof.
The basic design of gutters makes them extremely susceptible to the accumulation of debris, which in turn limits the drainage function. This also leads to the possibility of ice dams that trap snow and ice on the roof, and presents an increased opportunity for fire risk from wind-borne embers gathering and igniting during a wildfire.
Additionally, improper sloped gutters and misaligned downspouts can lead to water accumulation that can damage the gutters of the roof itself, and cause potential water accumulation against the building.
Your roof drainage systems – including gutters, interior drains, and scuppers should be free of accumulated debris such as twigs, leaves, and granules from roof systems, such as modified bitumen on flat roofs and asphalt shingles on sloped roofs.
Below are some tips that will help ensure that your roof drainage system is operating properly when it is needed.
  • Inspect and clean the roof drainage system at a minimum of two times per year. If there is a history of clogs from tree leaves, inspections should be done more frequently.
  • Remove any loose objects and accumulated debris from the roof that could end up in the drainage system.
  • Remove any roof granules from the gutters, as they can alter the slope of the gutter when they accumulate and in turn impede the gravitational flow of water.
  • Keep trees trimmed and away from the roof. This will help prevent branches from rubbing against the roof and leaves from accumulating and clogging drains and gutters.
  • Check for any long-term standing water in gutters and clear any blockage that may be causing this condition. If no blockage is found and standing water is still present, this could be a sign that the gutter is improperly sloped to the downspout.
  • Check all drainage systems for leaks and ensure that they are properly secured and operating after severe weather.
  • Make sure that the downspouts funnel water away from the building and do not allow for water to accumulate around the building’s perimeter.
  • If you have to replace gutters, consider larger sized gutters, which will allow for greater flow of water.
  • If located in hurricane prone areas, make sure that the gutters are anchored by gutter straps designed to resist high winds.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Roof Talk-101 How to Get Rid of Birds in the Roof

Roof Talk-101 How to Get Rid of Birds in the Roof

Unwanted birds are not only annoying, they can also cause a lot of damage to property. Bird droppings are acidic and eventually destroy paint. Bird nests can block proper ventilation and produce offensive and dangerous odors. They are especially dangerous in chimneys because they can cause carbon monoxide buildup and become a fire hazard. Bird nests also contain mites, ticks, fleas and other parasites.There are number of things that homeowners can do to prevent birds nesting in your roof. 

Step 1

Locate the bird nests in and around the roof. Birds naturally seek warm places to build their nests and these places usually include chimneys, attics, vents and eaves. Listen for bird noises and watch where birds are landing. Bird nests will also give off offensive odors.

Step 2

Clean out all the nests and block future access. If birds are roosting in the chimney place a mesh topper on the chimney after removing all the old nests. If they are inside the roof or eaves, remove the nests and patch the holes. Put a cloth or mesh netting over the vents. This will allow the vents to work but prevent the birds from building new nests.

Step 3

Place bird spikes along the roof where the birds are landing. Bird spikes are stainless steel tack strips similar to the ones that police use to stop vehicles.

Step 4

Apply sticky repellents on the roof. This will make it uncomfortable for the birds to land. There are various products such as Tanglefoot and Roost-no-More.

Step 5

Set up visual and audio decoys. Bright shiny objects, plastic owls, rubber snakes or devices that emit the sound of a predator will frighten birds and prevent them from landing on the roof.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Roof Talk-101 4 Reasons A Healthy Roof Is Important

Roof Talk-101  4 Reasons A Healthy Roof Is Important
Cate-Morgan Harlow

The average homeowners give little thought to their roof until there’s an issue, but consistently maintaining the health of the roof can save you thousands over neglecting it and reacting to the issue after it occurs. Waiting until there’s a problem means costly emergency service and possible damage to the home’s interior. Here are a few reasons why a good roof is important.

1. A healthy roof protects your investment in your home

One of the largest investments people make is their home. Performing ongoing maintenance on your roof will help prolong it’s life, and by extension the life of your whole property. Roofs are a fundamental element to your home. It makes sense to see about maintaining it even before a full replacement is required. Because, this is a short cut to protecting your investment in your home all around.
No one wants to replace a roof early because of unforeseen damage. It’s a traditionally quite a costly undertaking, so it’s important to do what you need to extend its life with regular inspections. In some states, like Florida, homeowner’s insurance companies will refuse to extend a policy without an updated roof certificate stating the amount of life left on the roof.

2. A healthy roof increases home value

A roof is also a selling point on a home and increases its value. From beautiful materials such as tile and metal, to an energy-efficient roof, many homebuyers take those extras into account.
Extras aren’t the only thing buyer’s notice. According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2013 Cost cs. Value Report, a new roof increases resale value by $12,000 on average. If you’re planning to sell, this might be one update to make.
Achilles Metal Roofing - Embossed Shingles Collection
Achilles Metal Roofing – Embossed Shingles Collection “Black” / 28 Gauge

3. A healthy roof guards against costly hidden damage

A major leak in your roof will be evident quickly as it will soak through your ceiling and potentially damage your dry wall. But if you’re not performing routine maintenance on your roof, there could be quieter, more insidious damage occurring without your knowledge. A small leak, one that doesn’t enter your living space, could be happening in your attic at this moment.
Dripping water every time it rains, even a small amount, can cause rot damage to beams in your attic. The repair can be quite costly (not to mention unhealthy, if it promotes the growth of molds), if it’s not found and fixed quickly. Preventative maintenance would expose such hazards and remedy them before they became major problems.

4. It Saves Money on Heating and Cooling

Your roof braves the elements. A properly ventilated and insulated roof will also save you money on heating and cooling. The roof releases humidity and heat from your home. Heat and humidity coming from your home can be as damaging as rain from the outside. If the roof vents are not working properly, that heat and humidity become trapped, and they will eat away at the wood rafters in the attic and underpinnings of your roof.
Achilles Metal Roofing - Embossed Shingles Collection Charcoal
Achilles Metal Roofing – Embossed Shingles Collection “Charcoal” / 28 Gauge
Ensuring you have good insulation is key to cooler summer temperatures and warmer winter ones inside your home. You pay a lot to heat and cool your home. Don’t let your money escape out of a poorly insulated roof.

Least thought of, most important

A roof is one of the least thought of components of a home but one of the most important. It protects your investment, adds value to your property, and saves money on heating and cooling costs. If you’re not maintaining it, you’re doing yourself—and your wallet—a disservice.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Monday, October 2, 2017

Roof Talk-101 10 Things That Will Damage Your Roof

Roof Talk-101  10 Things That Will Damage Your Roof 

While the roof of our home is an important part of life, we rarely give it a close look. We may not notice there’s a problem until something goes wrong. It’s a good idea to know what causes damage to a roof so even if you can’t get up there to inspect it first hand, you’ll be aware of what may create a potential problem.
  1. Tree limbs from nearby trees may fall on the roof due to wind, heavy snow or ice. If the tree limb is weakened by disease it might not take much for it to snap. It’s a good idea to inspect the trees around your home and remove any branches that may cause a problem.
  2. Those same trees may cause a build up of debris on the roof, especially in the valleys created by dormers or extensions. Leaves, sticks and pine needles can form a pile of mulch on your roof that remains constantly wet underneath causing the shingles to deteriorate and the roofing structure to rot.
  3. Animals can cause a lot of damage to a roof. Wood peckers, nesting birds, squirrels, raccoons, mice and bats can all work at pulling apart your roof. Wood peckers will look for insects under shingles and in rotting fascia boards while raccoons will pull off vent covers or tear off shingles searching for an entrance.
  4. Gutters and downspouts are designed to channel water away from your roof. If the gutters are poorly maintained or full of debris the water can back up and seep into the edges of the roof. Over time this can cause the roof to develop areas of rot.
  5. Wind can lift shingles and even minor damage can become a big problem if rain seeps in and leaks through the ceiling or down the walls. Sometimes you may notice a stray shingle or piece of shingle on the ground after a storm. It’s a good indication that the roof needs inspecting.
  6. Hail can damage the protective mineral coating on asphalt shingles, leaving bare spots. This exposes the shingle to other forms of damage such as moisture and UV rays. Excessive hail damage can shorten the life span of a roof.
  7. Ice may not be a problem in all parts of the country but where the temperatures drop enough for snow and ice to develop, they can create problems for a roof. Ice can freeze along the eves causing the snow to back up. As freezing and thawing lifts the shingles, melting ice and snow can leak into your home.
  8. Roof flashing around chimneys, vents and along the edge of a roof are designed to keep water out but if the flashing is damaged it can let water seep underneath causing rot or leaks to the interior of your home. The roofing compound that seals the flashing down can also dry out and come loose causing water damage.
  9. The sun’s UV rays play a big part in the life span of a roof. Over time shingles can dry out and crack. They can actually fall off the roof leaving sections with little or no protection. UV damage is just a part of aging for a roof but is also a sign that a roof may need replacing.
  10. While all of these problems can cause damage to a roof, they have one thing in common. They can let moisture in and moisture is the number one culprit when it comes to harming your roof. Take care of all the other problems as they happen and you can prevent water from destroying your roof.
  11. ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Roof Talk-101 When It Starts Getting Cooler Critters Are Going To Start Moving Into Your Attic

Roof Talk-101  When It Starts Getting Cooler Critters Are Going To Start Moving Into Your Attic

1. What are the most common animals that you're asked to remove from attics or walls?Throughout the year the frequency of each animal changes, but the majority of the calls we receive come from rat, raccoon or squirrel problems.
2. What warning signs should alert a homeowner that they have an animal in their attic or crawl space? It's important to always pay attention to your home. Many homeowners never pay attention to the exterior of their houses.  If they did they could catch loose siding or soffit before their critter problems get out of control. I often hear clients say something to the effect of, "I never come to this side of my house," when I'm performing an exterior inspection and find a very obvious hole or opening. Aside from that, animals are likely to make noise inside the attic, scratching, scurrying, scampering, gnawing, etc. It's not a good idea to ignore these noises or to assume they'll simply go away.
3. Is there one time of year more than others when animals will enter your home? Cold temperatures are always going to push more animals into homes. Even in south Texas, where our winters are both mild and short, it still gets cold enough to send animals into attics and walls looking for a warm place to hide. The mating season, and birthing season directly following, tends to keep animals inside until the blistering heat of the summer months.
4. How are animals entering the home? What can homeowners do to seal up entry points?Every home has vents and construction gaps that can be pushed and manipulated by animals trying to make their way inside. In many cases, it only takes a little bit of space for a rodent to gnaw a hole in wooden soffit or siding that's large enough to squeeze through. Aluminum or vinyl soffit and siding aren't always fastened into corners and can be pushed or pulled, opening doorways directly into the attic. Worse, rats and mice can squeeze through holes as small as a 1/2”, so it's easy to miss these possible entryways. We use a number of materials including 1/4" hardware cloth, sheet metal, expanding foam, and surface bonding cement to close up any openings we can find to keep critters out.
5. What damage can be done by animals in your attic or inside your walls? The scariest part of having animals in your attic or walls is that the electrical wiring, heating and cooling, and plumbing systems typically run through these areas as well. Rats, mice and squirrels all suffer from constantly-growing teeth. Because of this, they have to gnaw on whatever they can find to file their teeth down. When they move into the attic or walls all of those internal systems may become the targets of errant chewing. This can lead to fire, leaking or contaminated air conditioning, and flooding. Furthermore, these animals carry fleas, parasites, and diseases on their bodies and in their waste that can be transmitted to anyone inside the home.
6. What methods do you use to catch and remove animals? The most effective method to catch and remove animals is to seal off all of the entry points, down to the primary opening, and use live traps to trap the remaining animals inside. These methods allow us to solve the problem permanently as opposed to possibly catching the animal and leaving the home open for re-entry in the future.
7. What qualities do you look for in a dependable and durable animal trap? To get rid of animals in your attic or walls, use a live-catch cage trap with thick wire gauge, a heavy-duty door and a small amount of moving parts. Havahart 1079 traps are easy to set and maintain, and work for a wide variety of animals. The smaller squirrel traps work just as well.

ROOFGUARD-LLC has been installing commercial roofing systems for over 30 years. We have the solutions you are looking for if you desire a new commercial roof or need a re-roof. ROOFGUARD -LLC only uses the best products and installation practices to insure you have a worry free commercial roof. For more information ROOFGUARD-LLC visit us at. and we also invite you to Like Us on our Roofguardtexas Facebook Page .